How to Use

Welcome to the world of Aura Luxe light therapy, where wellness meets innovation. To make the most of your light therapy experience, follow this step-by-step guide on how to use your Aura Luxe light therapy lamp effectively.

Step 1: Find the Right Spot

  • Choose a location where you can comfortably sit or work with the light therapy lamp positioned about 30cm away from your face.
  • Ensure the lamp is at eye level or slightly above for optimal exposure.

Step 2: Set Up Your Environment

  • Create a relaxing and comfortable environment in your chosen spot.
  • Adjust the brightness of the room to your liking, but avoid direct glare on the lamp.

Step 3: Choose the Right Time

  • Light therapy is most effective in the morning, within the first hour of waking up.
  • Aim for a consistent daily routine to reinforce your body's natural circadian rhythm.

Step 4: Session Duration

  • Start with shorter sessions, around 10-15 minutes, and gradually increase to 20-30 minutes per day.
  • It's more about consistency than duration, so find a time that works for you every day.

Step 5: Positioning

  • Sit comfortably, facing the light therapy lamp without staring directly into the light.
  • You can read, work, or engage in other activities during the session, making it a seamless part of your routine.

Step 6: Eye Protection (Optional)

  • While not required, some users prefer wearing sunglasses with UV protection during the session to reduce eye strain.

Step 7: Be Consistent

  • Consistency is key for optimal results. Incorporate light therapy into your daily routine, ideally at the same time each day.

Step 8: Combine with Daily Activities

  • Maximize the benefits by integrating light therapy into activities like reading, working, or enjoying breakfast.
  • Make it a positive and enjoyable part of your day.

Step 9: Observe Changes

  • Pay attention to improvements in mood, energy levels, and sleep quality over time.
  • Adjust the duration and time of your sessions based on how your body responds.

Step 10: Consultation and Maintenance

  • If you have any concerns or medical conditions, consult with a healthcare professional before starting light therapy.
  • Keep the lamp clean and well-maintained for consistent performance.

Congratulations on taking the first steps toward a brighter and healthier lifestyle with Aura Luxe light therapy. Illuminate your world and embrace the positive changes that light therapy can bring to your life. If you have any questions or need assistance, our customer support team is here to help. Enjoy your journey to wellness with Aura Luxe!